Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why do you exercise?

Really, ask yourself this question. Is it because you want to lose weight? So you can eat whatever you want? So you don't feel bad about eating something? Because that's what you were told to do? If you answered yes to any of these questions (and I'm in the "yes" boat), I think these may not be the best motivators. I've lately been trying to change my mindset on why I do certain things. Why I eat healthy. Why I sleep. Why I spend time at the gym. Why I pick up new hobbies. Quite honestly the motivator behind most of these has been "to lose weight". Sure there are other motivators like it makes me feel good, but the main one has ALWAYS been "to lose weight". Well I'm stopping that cycle. Stopping it right in it's tracks. I'm going to yoga tonight to make myself feel better, to help with my knee, and try to flush out the cold I've had. I'm going to spend time with my good friend Brooke, to meet more people, and to see if I can push myself to hold that last pose longer. I'm going to my other gym before yoga because I wanna see how strong I can get my arms. I want to be able to climb outside and go on some awesome camping trips this summer. I'm working my legs so that they can stay strong for two days of snowboarding straight. These will be my motivators of why I'm active. Toning my body up is just a consequence- an awesome consequence. I'm sick of my weight controlling EVERYTHING in my life. I want to be fit so that I can enjoy everything this life has to offer-- and to keep up.


  1. Well great, now I feel bad I didn't make it to yoga tonight. Tomorrow I'll be back. Oops to me. And also, the reason I exercise is to feel and be healthier. I can honestly say I don't need to lose weight. I'm fine where I am. But I do feel unhealthy a lot.

  2. Don't feel bad you missed, it was fun to be there anyways (though would have loved to see you honestly). My forward bend is improving LOADS! It's exciting to see the progress :)
