Thursday, June 17, 2010

HCG Diet

Back in July I decided to embark on a new journey. I weighed 205 lbs at just 22 years. I had been overweight my entire life, however after moving out of my parents I kept adding more weight on. I had heard co-workers talking about a diet that they were trying and decided to give it a go with one of them. After doing my research I came to the conclusion that it was far more unhealthy for me to continue down the path that I was, over trying this drastic diet. I am the first to admit that HCG is not a healthy way to lose weight. There are FAR healthier options. However I'll also admit that if I had NOT done HCG I would probably be where I was at a year ago, over weight, unhealthy, and unhappy. I decided to do a 50 day course of the diet and see where it took me, you can check out my other blog to see a weekly synopsis of how things went. All in all the first round I lost almost 40 lbs. I went through the Holidays and did great, but still had an extra 20 more pounds I'd like to lose. I was around 150-155 and wanted to be more around 130 lbs. After my birthday I decided to do one more short round of HCG and dropped down to 140 (I found out that my scale had been lying because I thought I was REALLY at 130 lbs). Since then I've dropped around another 5-10 lbs by going to the gym and keeping up my new healthy lifestyle. I still have some slimming/toning that I'm working on and have decided to try a new diet/lifestyle to help me find balance, another blog will be about this new diet. So all in all with HCG I lost around 60 lbs. Another 15 on my own so far. I wanted to share my personal experience with this so everyone is aware that I did in fact try this diet myself. Here is a breakdown of what HCG diet consist of.
23-40 day round of injections or drops of HCG (I did the drops)
500 calorie a day diet consisting of selected vegetables, fruits, and protein
3 week maintenance after taking HCG to "reset" your metabolism
The idea is that the hormone triggers your body to start using up it's fat storage, most people who stick to it lose an average of 1lb a day, or 20-30 pounds in a 30 day period. It's no walk in the park, you have to stick to a very strict 500 calorie a day food consumption, and only eating certain things allowed. Here is a website that can explain everything a tad better than I can
This is a good synopsis of what the diet consists of. I have much much more details about it, and there is a lot of information on the internet or you can check out my other blog for even more info. Before deciding to try this diet, I recommend doing a lot of your own research and talking about it with your doctor.

1 comment:

  1. I looked into this a few years ago but was thrown off by the diet... I'm terrible at being a picky eater. I'm lazy... Now that I know you've done it, I may have to pick your brain for menu ideas and give it a try.
