Thursday, June 17, 2010

Macrobiotic Diet/Lifestyle

After ending my previous diet I've been needing to find a lifestyle/diet that I can continue for the rest of my life. I've had some major life changes over the past few months and have met some new people who introduced me to the lifestyle of Macrobiotics. It's been exactly what I've been looking for. I've been tired of dieting. I'm sick of weighing myself every day (a few TIMES a day). I've had a very unhealthy relationship with food, which is partly contributed to the last diet that I did. I was taught to weigh myself every morning. However i went overboard and got obsessed with the scale and what I ate, or didn't eat. I'd binge and purge. NOT a healthy way of living. So I checked out this lifestyle and decided that it was something I wanted to try out, if not incorporate some of the principals into my daily life. I've been doing this diet since Monday and I can honestly say that I am FEELING alive. My pants even fit me better. I haven't gotten on the scale since last week, and I'm perfectly content with that. Along with the diet, I do yoga 2-3 times a week, and zumba 2 times as well as trying to get outside and hike/walk as much as possible. I'm feeling like this is finally a lifestyle that I can live with!

Here is a synopsis of the diet from WebMD:

A macrobiotic diet isn't simply a diet plan. It's a way of life. If you're drawn to the concept of eating a natural, organic, plant-based diet (with a little fish) and embrace a Zen-like spirituality in both your life and food selections, then a macrobiotic diet may be for you.

Originally from Japan, the principle behind the macrobiotic diet combines tenets of Zen Buddhism with a Western-style vegetarian diet. Much more than a list of recommended foods, it is all about a spiritualism that transcends lifestyle, attitude, and diet practices. The word "macrobiotic" comes from the Greek and essentially means "long life" or "great life."

The Latest Diets

The macrobiotic diet regimen supports an Eastern philosophy of balancing foods to attain a balance of yin and yang. To achieve that balance, foods are paired based on their sour, sharp, salty, sweet, or bitter characteristics.

Yin foods are cold, sweet, and passive while yang foods are hot, salty, and aggressive. Some foods are prohibited because they contain toxins or fall on the far end of the spectrum, making it difficult to achieve and respect a Zen-like balance.

Early versions of the macrobiotic diet included several stages that became progressively more restrictive and ending with a diet of brown rice and water -- considered the ultimate in yin and yang. Today, the Americanized version is a modified vegetarian plan.

Although not scientifically proven, a macrobiotic diet of wholesome, nutritious foods may protect against cancer and other chronic diseases.

What You Can Eat

Practitioners of the macrobiotic diet prefer locally grown, natural foods prepared and eaten in the traditional manner, such as baking, boiling, and steaming. Lots of grains, vegetables, beans, fermented soy, and soups -- supplemented with small amounts of fish, nuts, seeds, and fruits -- are the basis of the macrobiotic diet menu. Other natural products, however, may be included to accommodate individual needs or during dietary transition.

It is essentially a "flexitarian" diet plan -- a mostly vegetarian diet that allows you to eat occasional meat or fish -- with rules governing eating, cooking, and lifestyle practices such as eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly.

Foods should be consumed in their most natural state and processed foods are not recommended. Other excluded foods are fatty meats, most dairy, sugars, coffee, caffeinated tea, stimulating beverages, alcohol, chocolate, refined flour, very hot spices, chemicals and preservatives, poultry, potatoes, and zucchini.

The diet also allows you to consume certain fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers in limited quantities. Excluded foods are considered to be extreme, overstimulating, or too concentrated and therefore not capable of achieving balance.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are frowned upon, yet seeking nutritional balance may be impossible without them, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "Consult a registered dietitian to help you balance the yin-yang and nutritional completeness of your plan. Otherwise you could end up with nutritional deficiencies," she advises.

Here's a breakdown of a typical macrobiotic diet:

  • Whole grains, especially brown rice: 50%-60%
  • Vegetables (and seaweed): 25%-30%
  • Beans: 5%-10%
  • Fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, miso soup: 5%-20%
  • Soup (made from ingredients above): 1-2 cups/day
How it works
  • Followers of the macrobiotic diet believe that food and food quality impact health, happiness, and well-being. Eating natural food that is closer to the earth and less processed is healthier for the body and soul. One of the objectives is to become more sensitive to the food you eat and how it affects your life. Ultimately, this awareness will enhance your life and health.

    What you can eat may be adjusted according to the following:

  • Season
  • Climate
  • Activity
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Health and any other personal considerations

What the Experts Say

A well-managed macrobiotic diet can be nutritionally sound. The ADA approves of carefully planned and monitored vegetarian diets for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood, and adolescence.

The macrobiotic diet is low in fat and high in fiber. Because of all the soy products, it is also rich in phytoestrogens, which may reduce the risk of estrogen-related cancers, such as breast cancer. There is no scientific evidence that a macrobiotic diet will reduce breast cancer, however eating a diet low in fat, high in fiber, and rich in plant foods containing phytochemicals may offer disease protection.

Blatner says she likes the focus on healthy foods that are low in fat and high in fiber, but she also recognizes the potential nutritional deficiencies. "Nutrients of concern are vitamins D and B12, iron, protein, and calcium if you are not careful," she says. Whenever you eliminate food groups, it can create deficiencies and affect your health. Her advice: Good nutrition should be considered first before balancing for yin and yang.

Food for Thought

The macrobiotic diet focuses on foods typically lacking in most American diets. Eating more natural foods, whole grains, vegetables, and beans could be beneficial to most people. Adopting it, however, may prove to be much more difficult because it often requires major lifestyle changes.

If you're interested in trying a macrobiotic diet, start slowly. First, incorporate just a few concepts, such as eating less unprocessed foods. Then add more whole grains and so on.

"Aim for a gradual approach before jumping in with both feet," Blatner suggests.

Adopting the macrobiotic diet takes a great deal of dedication and commitment to a lifestyle that is much bigger than your average diet plan.

HCG Diet

Back in July I decided to embark on a new journey. I weighed 205 lbs at just 22 years. I had been overweight my entire life, however after moving out of my parents I kept adding more weight on. I had heard co-workers talking about a diet that they were trying and decided to give it a go with one of them. After doing my research I came to the conclusion that it was far more unhealthy for me to continue down the path that I was, over trying this drastic diet. I am the first to admit that HCG is not a healthy way to lose weight. There are FAR healthier options. However I'll also admit that if I had NOT done HCG I would probably be where I was at a year ago, over weight, unhealthy, and unhappy. I decided to do a 50 day course of the diet and see where it took me, you can check out my other blog to see a weekly synopsis of how things went. All in all the first round I lost almost 40 lbs. I went through the Holidays and did great, but still had an extra 20 more pounds I'd like to lose. I was around 150-155 and wanted to be more around 130 lbs. After my birthday I decided to do one more short round of HCG and dropped down to 140 (I found out that my scale had been lying because I thought I was REALLY at 130 lbs). Since then I've dropped around another 5-10 lbs by going to the gym and keeping up my new healthy lifestyle. I still have some slimming/toning that I'm working on and have decided to try a new diet/lifestyle to help me find balance, another blog will be about this new diet. So all in all with HCG I lost around 60 lbs. Another 15 on my own so far. I wanted to share my personal experience with this so everyone is aware that I did in fact try this diet myself. Here is a breakdown of what HCG diet consist of.
23-40 day round of injections or drops of HCG (I did the drops)
500 calorie a day diet consisting of selected vegetables, fruits, and protein
3 week maintenance after taking HCG to "reset" your metabolism
The idea is that the hormone triggers your body to start using up it's fat storage, most people who stick to it lose an average of 1lb a day, or 20-30 pounds in a 30 day period. It's no walk in the park, you have to stick to a very strict 500 calorie a day food consumption, and only eating certain things allowed. Here is a website that can explain everything a tad better than I can
This is a good synopsis of what the diet consists of. I have much much more details about it, and there is a lot of information on the internet or you can check out my other blog for even more info. Before deciding to try this diet, I recommend doing a lot of your own research and talking about it with your doctor.

Buckwheat Noodle Stir-Fry

I gave buckwheat noodles (soba) a shot last night and I was pleasantly surprised. This turned into a very quick, delicious, and nutritious meal. This can also be a part of a Macrobiotic, vegan, or vegetarian diet.

1 package Soba (buckwheat noodles, I found mine at the Asian market, sometimes called Japanese noodles, Udon noodles will work as well- I used just one bundle)
2 cloves garlic
1 medium yellow onion
2 stalks celery
cilantro (optional, just gives it a Thai taste)
1T tamari (soy sauce)
1T rice wine vinegar
1T rice cooking wine
1T sesame oil

Cook noodles as directed (add to boiling water for 6-7 minutes and rinse in cold water 2-3 times)
Prepare stir fry while noodles are cooking:
Chop onion and celery, dice garlic and cilantro.
Heat up sesame oil in wok or skillet until warm.
Add garlic, vegetables, tamari, vinegar and rice cooking wine.
Saute for 3-5 minutes.
Add noodles and warm for another minute or so.
Garnish with fresh cilantro